IMPACT STUDY: The real-life results of 4D Fit Mental Fitness
“Thank you for helping boost my self-confidence to achieve my goals!”
This was the inspiring response I received from a past client five months after completing the 4D Fit Mental Fitness training program. The fact that they had discovered and maintained the healthful influences and practices they need to achieve their goals is what mental fitness training is all about.
This, in a nutshell, is the real-life POWER and IMPACT of 4D Fit Mental Fitness!
REal Client Progress - Shared with Permission (2023)
The BIG question… what motivates YOU?
In marketing, it’s called WIFM (“What’s in it for me?”).
In business, it’s called ROI (“Return on Investment”).
Whatever you call it, finding and maintaining healthful motivation is the KEY to achieving any goal.
Marketers know it. Advertisers know it. App developers know it. Politicians know it. Even religious leaders know it.
The BIG question is, do YOU know what motives you?
More specifically, are you being motivated by HOPE (i.e., anticipation of reward and happiness) or FEAR (i.e., anticipation of pain and punishment)?
When we’re driven by a constant state of fear — whether fear of failure, shame, loss, rejection, abandonment, pain, or punishment — it can take an unhealthful toll on our health and well-being. Not only does the toxic effect of chronic stress impact our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, it also impacts our internal organs, physiology, and immune system.
This is why mental health IS health, and the first mental fitness question to ask is…
Are we being motivated by fear and distress (perpetuating toxicity), or hope and healing (to achieve and maintain healthful outcomes)?
Want to save millions of dollars and even more lives?
According to the World Health Organization, for every $1 spent on mental healthcare, $4 is gained in health and productivity.
This is no surprise once you understand how the human nervous system works.
But wait… there’s MORE!
Since this data only accounts for mental healthcare AFTER someone is diagnosed with a mental health condition (such as depression or anxiety) you can imagine the multiplied benefits of proactive and preventive practices.
If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then the savings in health and productivity (not to mention human lives) would absolutely multiply, by reducing or preventing health-related crises, pain, and loss from happening in the first place.
The REAL value and importance of mental fitness
To illustrate the real-life benefits of mental fitness practices, the client quoted above graciously agreed to share their results anonymously for this impact study (since personal privacy is always a priority).
Our training began with a group talk with their employer, introducing the concept of mental fitness as a proactive approach to promoting mental health, achievement, and well-being.
After that, I worked with their employer to provide 1-on-1 training for more personalized instruction and support.
In this case, their employer agreed to pay half of the employee's individualized training, sharing in the investment and accountability of their mental fitness efforts (a WIN-WIN!).
Real Client Progress - Shared with Permission (2023)
In just TWO MONTHS, the employee improved their mental fitness on EVERY LEVEL of the 4D Fit Mental Fitness Model (as measured between their first and last mental fitness assessments). Thanks to their incredible commitment and diligence in the training program, they made and maintained significant progress toward their mental fitness goals, including navigating, managing, and reducing stress at work.
When employers & employees work together
Not only does this “employer + employee” program model make mental fitness training more equitable, accessible, and affordable, it also cultivates a healthful workplace that embraces and empowers every person to thrive and optimize based on their individual needs and abilities — leveraging the collective powers of diversity, education, understanding, awareness, acceptance, inclusion, belonging, safety, care, community, social support, and stress management — not just in policy but in practice.
Would you like to partner with 4D Fit Mental Fitness to empower your people?