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What is
mental fitness



The term “fitness” is really more than physical. We all need preparation, practice, and support to adapt to life changes, to grow from life challenges, to develop the strengths and abilities we need to not just survive but THRIVE — all driven by our nervous system — from our thoughts to our feelings to our behaviors.

Performance, achievement, and well-being

Empowering diverse people requires understanding the healthful influences, practices, and support each person needs to feel and do THEIR best to achieve their goals. This is why the 4D Fit Mental Fitness Model℠ and training program focus on key factors of brain health, mental function, and neurodiversity to help identify daily practices that optimize mental function based on individual needs, goals, and abilities.

What are people saying?

Empower people to thrive

To truly thrive, the mind must be properly energized and cared for as a neurological function of the brain.

Improve outcomes & performance

Improve outcomes and performance by learning how to reduce and navigate toxic stressors - neurologically.

A mental fitness guide for humans

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